Energy Solutions

Access Roads

Professional Access Road Solutions for Development and Connectivity

Access roads are vital for linking outlying regions, and facilitating the development and exploration of territories, infrastructures, and various constructions. Temporary or permanent, these roads ensure safe and efficient transport of equipment, materials, and workers. Anton Solutions provides professionally designed and built access roads for temporary and permanent use, tailored to the project's needs. We ensure the highest standards in sustainability, environmental preservation, and client requirements are met from inception to project delivery.

Geotechnical Stability for Roads

Building access roads in tough terrain requires stability as a top priority. Geotechnical solutions ensure roads can handle heavy loads and weather conditions. Anton Solutions uses the latest geotechnical methods and materials, including Secugrid® geogrids and Secutex® geotextiles to create access roads. These roads excel in performance and safety, ideal for long-term, heavy-load use.

  • Load-Bearing Capacity: Secugrid® geogrids strengthen the soil underneath, ensuring roads can handle heavy machines and traffic without shifting. This makes them perfect for industrial projects where heavy equipment is used often.
  • Improved Durability: Secutex® geotextiles shield the road from wearing away soil, water infiltration, and soil shifting. These materials ensure the road lasts longer even in tough conditions, cutting down on the need for repairs.
  • Safe Access: Secugrid® geogrids and Secutex® geotextiles stabilize uneven ground so roads can support heavy loads. This plays a key role in industries like mining, where tough terrains need safe, dependable transport routes.
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    In-Situ Recycling

    In-situ recycling efficiently repairs access roads by treating existing materials to create a tough new surface. The process involves grinding up the road, adding stabilizers, and laying the material back down. It provides an affordable option compared to regular road-building techniques. Recycling the old pavement in place reduces waste and the need for new materials.

  • Haunch Treatment: This focuses on the road's edge. It strengthens areas where heavy loads or poor water drainage have caused damage. This targeted repair prevents further damage to the edges and helps the entire road last longer.
  • Full-Width Carriageway Treatment: This method affects the entire width of the road. It recycles the whole road surface to make it strong and long-lasting. This eliminates weak areas and creates a stable surface that can handle heavy traffic.
  • Regen Roads: Regeneration strengthens roads by stabilizing layers and improving their overall construction. This method is cost-effective, as it reduces the need for new materials. It extends the road’s lifespan and lowers repair and maintenance costs.
  • Efficient Geogrid Design and Construction

    Design Flexibility

    One major advantage of geogrids is their ability to improve road design, allowing reliable roads to be built on various types of soils. They perform well in rough terrains, offering engineers flexibility in designing temporary access roads.

    Reduced Excavation Requirements

    Geogrids assist in soil stabilization, helping to reduce the need for deep earth excavation and thick aggregate layers. This saves time and construction expenses while providing a firm surface capable of handling heavy loads.

    Simplified Construction Process

    Geogrids lower the cost of materials used in road construction by reducing waste and minimizing the time required for installation. This streamlines construction for temporary access roads, ensuring effectiveness with less detail.

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    Tailored Solutions for You


    We provide valuable resources like reports, expert perspectives, and white papers, offering comprehensive information to guide access road design and construction decisions.

    Brochure Box

    Discover our Infrastructure Engineering brochures for in-depth information on the design, construction, and maintenance of critical infrastructure projects. From hydropower systems to roads and bridges, each brochure highlights innovative engineering solutions tailored to meet modern challenges.

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    Access Roads

    Learn about our expertise in access road design and construction, ensuring durability and safety. The brochure showcases our access road engineering practices for optimal performance.

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    Hydro Power Systems

    Discover how we engineer reliable and efficient hydropower systems. The brochure offers insights into sustainable power generation solutions.

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    Bridges and Culverts

    Download the brochure to discover robust engineering solutions for bridges and culverts. See how innovative designs and materials ensure structural integrity in various conditions.

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    Excavation Stability

    Our brochure covers advanced methods to maintain stability during excavation projects. Discover the strategies that prevent collapses and ensure site safety.

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    Infrastructure Engineering

    This brochure highlights our comprehensive approach to designing and building critical infrastructure. Learn about cutting-edge techniques for modern infrastructure projects.

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    Windmill Foundations

    Our brochure explains the foundation technologies for windmills that ensure stability and performance. Discover sustainable engineering practices for renewable energy foundations.

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    Working Platforms

    Explore our advanced solutions for designing stable and safe working platforms. This brochure covers best practices for constructing efficient temporary or permanent platforms.


    Technology Videos

    Watch our latest technology-related videos and explore new innovations!

    Related Insights


    Anton Solutions works with specialists to implement advanced practices across all phases of access road projects. This ensures efficient, high-quality, and sustainable road solutions.
