Testing for the pullout strength of rockbolts is currently in progress to ensure compliance with onsite performance requirements. This rigorous quality assurance step underscores our commitment to delivering reliable and effective solutions.

The project in focus, the Bid Bid Rusayl 8-lane expressway, stands as one of the most challenging infrastructure projects undertaken in the Sultanate in recent times. Spanning over 50,000 sqm, the installation features ConstruckMesh—a combination of wire mesh secured with rock bolts designed to provide robust slope stabilization and protection

This project exemplifies the challenges of modern infrastructure development and highlights our commitment to innovative engineering solutions. By rigorously testing and validating the performance of ConstruckMesh and rockbolts, we ensure long-term safety, stability, and reliability for this vital expressway. The Bid Bid Rusayl 8-lane expressway stands as a testament to our dedication to advancing infrastructure excellence in the Sultanate]

Construck Systems is proud to be part of such an esteemed committee and is committed to contributing to the ongoing development of standards that ensure safety, quality, and innovation in geosynthetics.