Energy Efficiency Labeling
Making smart choices becomes easier with the energy efficiency label. Just like buildings have an Energy Efficiency Certificate, appliances sport a tag that shows how much energy they use. This tag gives a fast way to spot products that are good for the planet and your wallet. It streamlines your decision-making, helping you pick more energy-efficient appliances. Opting for higher-rated products allows you to save on energy costs while contributing to environmental protection.
Color-Coded System: The label shows a scale from A (green) to D (red), indicating how energy-efficient the appliance is. "A" represents the most efficient.
Required for Many Appliances: In Europe, customers find this label on items like fridges, washing machines, and light bulbs. It helps buyers make smart choices.
Efficiency Scores: Products with A, B, or C ratings are the most energy-efficient. Those rated D or lower need more energy to operate.